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The word "stretching" is on everyone's lips these days, but few know exactly what this type of fitness represents and for whom it is suitable. In our blog we would like to take a closer look at this popular type of fitness and give you a meaningful overview of its benefits.

What is Stretching?

The word "stretching" is derived from the English verb "to stretch". This means something like "to extend" or "to sprawl". Stretching can therefore be understood as a type of fitness that includes a series of gymnastic exercises designed to develop flexibility and muscle stretching, as well as improve joint mobility. Stretching can also improve your athletic performance and reduce stress.

Even though stretching basically involves movements that we can effortlessly perform at home, nowadays it is offered in many gyms. And for good reason, because stretching exercises performed under the supervision of a professional Trainers performed increase the effectiveness of the training.

Advantages of Stretching

Stretching uses a variety of exercises, the regular performance of which has a positive effect on the entire body.  For the typical city dweller, who often suffers from physical inactivity, the benefits are clear:

  • Improvements in posture and coordination
  • Activation of the muscle stabilizers that remain inactive in daily life
  • Promoting flexibility
  • Increasing fitness
  • Improvement of blood circulation and metabolism

In addition, you can partake in stretching courses to lift your mood, gain strength and fight against stress and tension.

Here are a few more important benefits that you can get from stretching:

  • Varied & efficient workouts: Stretching is a simple and effective exercise that contributes to better athletic performance, reduces the likelihood of injury and speeds rehabilitation after injury.
  • Facilitation of everyday movements: Stretching can not only improve your athletic performance, but also optimize your everyday movements. Stretching exercises can help to better prepare for everyday physical activities and perform them with visible ease.
  • Stress relief: Stretching can be very restorative and relaxing because it includes elements that can improve your breathing. However, to use stretching for stress relief, it is important to breathe deeply, so that you really feel and listen to your body while stretching. In this way, stretching can act as a kind of meditation, helping to distract and relax you and put you in a better mood.
img stretching post
GYMONE – Stretching

For whom is stretching suitable?

There are several groups of people for whom stretching is particularly recommended. If you fall into one of these categories, it may be time to incorporate stretching into your weekly routine.

  • You live a "sedentary lifestyle": Whether you're an office worker who spends all day at a desk or a driver behind the wheel, the sitting position your body is in when you do these types of jobs can put a lot of strain on your upper back, neck and shoulders. People who spend a lot of time sitting can benefit greatly from stretching.
  • You stand too much: The next group is the opposite of the first. It includes people who spend a lot of time standing, which in turn leads to health problems with the lower back, hips and calves.
  • You are an athlete: Even professional athletes or recreational athletes can improve their performance, increase speed and optimize their efficiency through stretching. In addition, stretching is an excellent rehabilitation tool that can be very healing for your injuries.

Rules that should be followed when stretching:

  1. Before you start stretching your muscles, it is necessary to warm up. This can include, for example, intensive aerobic exercises (jumping, running, dancing, exercise bike).
  2. Every body has its limits, which should not be exceeded. Your stretching workout should relax your body, not strain it.  If you feel pain, it means that you have exceeded the optimal norm for you. When stretching, it is important to find out what level of exertion is optimal for you and stick to that level of exertion.
  3. The duration of each stretching position should be from 10 to 30 seconds.
  4. When stretching, it is also important to focus your attention on the part of your body that is being stretched. This will help you feel better while stretching and stay relaxed throughout the workout.
  5. The optimal time for stretching is immediately after walking or any other form of aerobic exercise.  Since stretching also has the ability to relieve excessive muscle tension, it is perfect for improving well-being and mood enhancement.
  6. Remember to breathe properly during the stretching exercises. You should never hold your breath while stretching. Breathing out quickly is also not really recommended.  It is best to breathe at a normal pace. During the pause between exercises you can breathe deeply and then exhale completely.

Types of stretching

  • Static stretching: Static stretching is a rather slow movement where you take a certain pose and hold it for 10-30 seconds. Static stretching is also called classical because all other types of funds have their origin in it. Static stretching helps to strengthen muscles and make them more stretchable.
  • Dynamic stretching: Unlike static stretching, dynamic stretching requires the use of continuous movement patterns that mimic the sport being performed.  Dynamic stretching aims to prepare for the performance of a specific sport. A good example of dynamic stretching would be a sprinter taking long strides to prepare for the race.
  • Active stretching: In active stretching you stay in a certain position without any external effect. This activates a specific muscle group.  For example, an overhead stretch can target the shoulders, chest, forearms and latissimus.  Active stretching is often performed as a warm-up to prepare muscles for exercise.
  • Passive stretching: This type of stretching is best for improving balance and flexibility. For example, stretching your knee tendons by bending forward can help your flexibility by staying in that position for a period of time. Passive stretching is often used in yoga.
  • Ballistic stretching: Ballistic stretching is an active and intense type of stretching. It involves performing swinging leg and arm exercises as well as flexion and extension of the body at high speed.  A variety of exercises can be used: Bouncing, jumping, lunges, arm circles, etc.

If stretching has piqued your interest and you'd like to give it a try, we'd be happy to assist you with any questions and create a personalized stretching program for you.
